Exercise CAMBRIAN PATROL is delivered by Headquarters 160th (Welsh) Brigade on behalf of Commander Field Army. The Exercise has been running for over 60 years and is the British Army’s principal All Arms Patrol Exercise and is open to all three Services (Regular and Reserve) and international participants are encouraged to take part.
Exercise CAMBRIAN PATROL is a mission focused and scenario-based exercise. The Exercise is not a competition, although patrol performance is assessed throughout based on Battlecraft Syllabus (BCS) and Individual Training Requirement (ITR), in addition to robustness and leadership.
The Exercise is currently made up of eight phases, each of 48 hrs, over 10 days. Each patrol will cover approximately 60 kms (average climb and descent is over 1000m) carrying no more than 32 kgs per person. The Exercise is designed to be arduous and all participants must be prepared both mentally and physically for the challenge ahead.